Standard Parts Handler Parts and Engineering Plastic Machines and Equipments
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Handler Parts and Engeering Plastic




To provide high-end outputs, one must acquire high quality of raw materials. Thus, we only use materials that are of high-standards that were tried and tested to stand different pressures and tensions it undergoes. With us, are our trusted and reliable partners and suppliers to assure our clients with quality products.



Our company is capable of producing precision tools, jigs, fixtures and machine parts. We have acquired state of the art machines and equipments handled by our skilled technicians that undergone different trainings and seminars to further strengthen their skills and technical expertise.


The company takes pride of its technical expertise, hence 3Ti consultative team work closely with clients to provide good quality products, innovative, and cost effective design and manufacturing methodology. We help in identifying long term customer needs. We are always committed in ensuring that the product and services as well as the process and systems of the future are in place when needed.


Precesion Design, Fabrications and Assembly


Precesion Design, Fabrications and Assembly


For complete details of our manufacturing capabilities, please call or send us your inquiries. We will be very much delighted to help you.


Let our team help you. Tell us what parts or products you need, and we'll find and give you the best.